2006 Opening Day of the South Carolina Legislature
Bikers line up for patches and ...
Dedicated biker
ABATE of SC Press Conference
Veteran Memorial
Lexington members plan strategy...
70 degrees in Janauary
David Russell and Festus
Dean, Dennis, and Panama
Dean dreams of future office
Doc Manning
FastFred and Dennis talk strategy
Post and Courier reporter Y. Wenger
AP and The Post and Courier
Senator Jake Knotts and Dean
Representative Mac Toole and Dean
Lexington ABATE Chapter
Reb relays the introduction of 1027
Coastal Area Coord Roach
Lunch at the Flying Saucer
Scavenger hunt winds down
Clay Morris and friends from CSRA
Cathy Dillon sewing patches
Some break on the hill
Nice warm January day
Upstate members view the Senate
A warm day in the park
Anyone have a spare RV to paint?
Legislative Warrior Day
2006 Opening Day of the South Carolina Legislature
Sleepy leather clad bikers enjoyed a warm ride to the state capitol for opening day. Lexington members arrived before 8:30 AM. By 9 o’clock bikers from all areas and most chapters converged in the lobby of the statehouse. A legislative team member passed out the new patch, a communication tip sheet, and a scavenger hunt list.
90 new “Leather Clad Lobbyist” patches were earned by ABATE of SC members. Those participating in the scavenger hunt collected free items such as business cards up to a costly legislative manual. Several bikers with connections managed to secure free legislative manuals from friends in the legislature. Apparently the scavenger hunt adventure was well received by both bikers and staff members.
Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance
Others, mean and rueful of the Western dream
~James Morrison
While the scavenger hunt was fun and provided some theater it also served practical purposes. All the items collected served useful purposes to citizens lobbying their government. Even the act of collecting the items served a purpose. Those participating interacted with the staff four of the most powerful politicians in South Carolina in addition to those of their own senator and representative.
Bikers witnessed the opening in the Senate and House chambers. After the Senate recessed many of use walked to the Flying Saucer. The Saucer kindly provided us free parking for the day. Cathy Dillon sold ABATE products on the porch and also sewed on lobby day patches. More than a few ate lunch as Dennis scored their scavenger hunt sheets. Finally all the winners took turns picking out prices from the donated items.
This year’s legislative warrior day was fun and productive. Reb managed to get a bill introduced and co-sponsored. The bill would allow motorcycles to treat red lights as stop signs if the signal sensor failed to detect the motorcycle. Reb seemed to have a large time while he worked the halls of the legislature.
Don’t miss the fun next time come join us.
Written by Fast Fred