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Legislative Warrior Day 2005

The level of attendance at our recent Helmet Rally is encouraging; let’s hope as many bikers make time to attend the opening of our state’s legislative session. Tuesday January 11th the battle to defend our liberties will begin once again. Remember Benjamin Franklin’s admonition: "No man's life, liberty or fortune is safe while our legislature is in session." Remember if you are not lobbying your state legislators for biker rights, no one else is doing it for you. In contrast, the lobbyists of our enemies are lobbying against biker rights and they don’t take time out for other pursuits.

Numbers of people are only one of the many factors in an effective demonstration. The timing, choice of target and tactics to be employed are equally important. There have been demonstrations of 400,000 that are hardly remembered and demonstrations of a few dozen that were remarkably effective. Often the critical element involved is the theater. Those who say a demonstration should be concerned with education rather than theater don’t understand either and will never organize a successful demonstration, or for that matter, a successful revolution. (Abbie Hoffman: Steal this Book)

A new “Legislative Warrior” patch will be issued and given to those who attend and lobby during our opening lobby day on January 11th; those who meet at Strom Thurmond's statue between 9 and 9:30 AM will qualify for an additional limited patch.

The itinerary for Legislative Warrior Day/the opening day of the legislative session in South Carolina begins early. Meet and greet other members at Strom Thurmond’s statue from 9 to 9:30 AM. There will be a brief workshop on lobbying and strategies from 9:30 to 10 AM. Then the hands on lobbying workshop will walk the halls and legislative offices from 10 to 11:30 AM. Finally, we will fill the senate gallery at 11:30. The session begins at 12 PM. We need to arrive early to secure a seat in the gallery to view the opening of the legislative session. Pass the word that we need leather in the senate gallery first and

The after the lobbying workshop a party will begin at 1 PM at the Flying Saucer less than a block away from the state house; the Flying Saucer has plenty of parking, great food, and over eighty beers on tap plus another 150 bottled varieties. If you have not attended one of these events and better yet lobbied as a large group, you don’t know all the fun you are missing.

Last year we had over one hundred bikers present on the opening day, and we narrowly defeated the seat belt bill and passed the tattoo bill; this year let’s fill the state house and legislative offices with hundreds of bikers and accomplish more than just two goals on our legislative agenda.

FastFred Ruddock – ABATE of SC State Coordinator
I refuse to allow my life to be run by my civil servants!

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