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Ocoee Rafting Videos

FF Rafting with Whitewater Express - Fall 2014

The following playlist contains all of Fast Fred's published WWE rafting videos created duriong the fall of 2014. If this looks like something fun you would like to try please consider booking a raft trip.

New Ocoee Guidebook with videos of basic raft lines for all Middle Ocoee Rapids.

Just click the "PLAYLIST" in the upper left corner to select the video of your choice. If you are a past guest having difficulty finding your video please feel free to contact me with the linkat the bottom of the page.

Archives from 2013 and 2014 while Working for Quest

The following playlist contains videos filmed during the 2013 and 2014 rafting seasons on the Upper and Middle sections of the Ocoee River while. There is some carnage in the Olympic Whitewater Slalom course especially at Godzilla and Humongous. These videos were recorded while I worked for Quest Expeditions. I currently work at Whitewater Express and noted above. Enjoy the videos and don't forget to tip your guides that work hard to make your ride fun!

Just click the "PLAYLIST" in the upper left corner to select the video of your choice. There are many videos to choose. Follow the link to my youtube page for more videos about kayaking or motorcycles.

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Biker Sticker/Patch - Don't Tread on Me - I Refuse to Allow My Civil Servant to Run My Life
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